Atlantic Grupa je jedna od vodećih prehrambenih kompanija u regiji s poznatim regionalnim robnim markama koje, uz asortiman vanjskih partnera, podržava snažan vlastiti sustav distribucije na svim tržištima u regiji. Proizvodi Atlantic Grupe imaju značajnu prisutnost u Rusiji, zemljama ZND-a i zapadne Europe, a s asortimanom sportske prehrane Atlantic je vodeća europska kompanija u ovom segmentu. Atlantic Grupa ukupno zapošljava oko 4500 ljudi. Sjedište kompanije je u Zagrebu, proizvodni pogoni se nalaze u Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj, Sloveniji, BiH, Srbiji i Makedoniji, a tvrtke i predstavništva u 11 zemalja.
Atlantic Grupa is one of the leading food companies in the region with the renowned regional brands which is, alongside the product range of external partners, supported by own distribution system on all the markets in the region. Atlantic Grupa’s products are highly represented in Russia, the CIS and Western European countries, and with its product range of sports food, Atlantic is the leading European player in this segment. Atlantic Grupa employs approximately 4500 people in total. The Company headquarters are in Zagreb, production plants are situated in Croatia, Germany, Slovenia, B&H, Serbia and Macedonia, while companies and representative offices are located in 11 countries.
- Miramarska 23
- 10000 Zagreb
- Hrvatska
- tel: +385 1 2413 900
- fax: +385 1 2413 901
- mail: grupa@atlanticgrupa.com